How Many Times Can You Hold The Basketball With Two Hands?

How Many Times Can You Hold The Basketball With Two Hands

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world, but not everybody is entirely familiar with how the game is played. Not to mention all of the rules and regulations that go along with it make it incredibly confusing. Today, we are going to be talking about a question that new fans of … Read more

Can You Shoot A Basketball On An Inbound?

Can You Shoot A Basketball On An Inbound

If you are tasked with inbounding during a basketball game, sometimes the defense doesn’t even defend you. In this instance, you might be thinking that you have a beautifully clear shot at the basketball hoop. However, you aren’t quite sure whether or not you’re legally allowed to do so. This brings up the question, can … Read more

Can You Extend Your Arm While Driving In Basketball?

Can You Extend Your Arm While Driving In Basketball

Everybody is told to drive with confidence when attacking the rim in basketball. However, sometimes that confidence can cause you to play outside the rulebook, and mistakes get made. It’s a double-edged sword. This does bring up a good question though, especially when it comes to playing outside the rulebook. Can you extend your arm … Read more

Can You Bounce The Ball Above Your Head In Basketball?

Can You Bounce The Ball Above Your Head In Basketball

Dribbling is one of the most important features when it comes to the sport of basketball. There really isn’t a more important rule to remember when participating in this sport. When you don’t dribble, you can’t move with the ball. It’s simple as that. However, there’s more questions that can be answered when it comes … Read more

Are You Allowed To Lift A Player In Basketball?

Are You Allowed To Lift A Player In Basketball

Basketball isn’t an easy sport to learn, and sometimes the hardest questions to answer are the ones that you don’t even ask in the first place. That’s especially true for the main basketball topic that we plan on covering here today. Because some people might not actually know the answer to this one. Are you … Read more

Can You Put Your Hand On Someone’s Chest In Basketball?

Can You Put Your Hand On Someones Chest In Basketball

Basketball isn’t really thought of as a true contact sport, but that doesn’t mean it can’t wind up being physical. There are certain instances where contact will be made, and it’s good to know what contact is allowed, and what contact is far too much for the sport. Which brings us to the question, can … Read more