Is It OK To Wear Basketball Shorts To School?

The sport of basketball has brought many great things to the world. When it comes to clothing, the most notable are the shorts. These are called basketball shorts, even if they don’t actually have anything to do with playing basketball and are commonly worn around the world. However, it brings up a good question. Is it okay to wear basketball shorts to school?

Unfortunately, there’s not a definitive answer to this question due to each school having very different dress codes from one another. For schools that do have a specific uniform dress code, the answer is probably no. If the dress code is looser, then basketball shorts are more than likely allowed. Before wearing them to school though, it could be best to check with a teacher or counselor to make sure it won’t get you into any trouble.

While there’s not a cut and dry answer to this question, there’s definitely still more left to cover regarding wearing basketball shorts to school.

Uniform Dress Code

There are a lot of schools that prefer to operate with a uniform dress code. If you can’t tell by the name, this type of dress code is when all students must wear the same type of clothing. Usually, they all look similar for the men and the women. Sometimes these uniforms offer some variation in color, but the style usually remains the exact same. If you are going to a school with this type of dress code, and basketball shorts aren’t included in the uniform, then you likely can’t wear them legally at school.

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Of course, you are likely to know already if your school has a strict uniform dress code. You’d have likely gone there before at some point and know what you need to wear in order to go to school. Most of the time, you’ll know or hear about the uniform before you even get into the school if you haven’t been there before as well.

Freedom Of Choice

The remaining schools that don’t have strict uniform dress codes usually operate under a freedom of choice type of dress code. However, it’s not entirely free. See, these schools usually let you wear any type of clothing that you want, but it can’t be very revealing or have inappropriate text on it. Schools believe that clothing that falls into these categories is disruptive for classes and will make you change if they notice it.

Freedom Of Choice
Freedom Of Choice

The good news in regard to this topic is that a freedom of choice type of dress code allows you to wear basketball shorts. As long as they aren’t incredibly short, schools likely won’t mind them. After all, to many people, they are just regular athletic shorts that don’t have inappropriate text on them. They also aren’t revealing, unless they are very short. The bottom line is that most schools allow these if under this type of dress code.

Basketball Shorts Aren’t Just For Basketball

A common misconception about basketball shorts is that they aren’t just for basketball purposes. While they are athletic wear that allows you to move a little more freely, they aren’t just designed to be worn on the court. You could just as easily wear them without playing basketball and still feel totally normal due to their comfort. Unlike basketball shoes, they don’t have severe wear and tear for normal use. These basketball shorts aren’t going to be getting walked on concrete, like those shoes are.

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It could be very easy to just try and avoid wearing any type of basketball shorts because you feel as though they are meant only for the courts. Luckily, that isn’t the case, and you don’t need to be worried about ruining them or feeling out of place if you wear them in public. Everybody has their own opinion on clothing, and if you’d like to wear basketball shorts to a school that allows it, then there’s nothing wrong with that.

Different Lengths

We also should talk more about the different lengths of basketball shorts. Back in the day, basketball shorts were very short, and you could get a better picture of that by looking deeper into the NBA during the 1980s and 90s. Over time, basketball shorts have changed and adapted, increasing the length to where they usually reach your knee, assuming you are wearing the correct size of course. On top of that, there’s additional lengths of basketball shorts that go below your knee, which people wear for comfort purposes as well. All three of these types of basketball shorts have been worn before, and it really comes down to your personal preference.

What I will say though is that in regard to school, wearing basketball shorts that stay right in line with your knee is the best way to go. Schools might not like overtly baggy or extremely short basketball shorts. They might claim it is disruptive or distracting, as we’ve mentioned earlier with the other types of revealing clothing.

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Can Be Found In Many Colors

Basketball shorts aren’t beloved by everybody, with some claiming that they just can’t match with anything due to the colors or the overall look of them. However, that’s not the case. Basketball shorts can be worn with many different types of clothing due to the immense range of colors that you can usually find them in. The same goes for the different size lengths of these shorts, that give you more options as well to choose from.

Now, again, not everybody is going to have the same opinion on wearing these types of basketball shorts and how they match. We’re here to tell you that these shorts can absolutely be worn on their own, without having to go play basketball. Basketball shorts have continued to adapt and evolve as time has passed by, and it feels like that will continue happening due to their popularity.